Co-founder and owner of PCI, a respected and rapidly growing marketing agency headquartered in the Washington, DC area, Bob couples creative vision with strategic insight. Over more than 30 years as a communications strategist, principal writer, consultant, advisor, creative director, video producer, and composer, Bob has helped clients tell their stories and solve their business challenges. Fortune 500 corporate leaders, prominent not-for-profit organizations, and federal government agencies have called upon his expertise in marketing, public relations, and organizational communications. From crisis communications to marketing, from branding to organizational development, Bob’s advice and creative output consistently deliver results.
In addition to client work, Bob leads PCI with a constant emphasis on quality, creativity, and client focus. He has built a strong and stable team of communications experts and creative talents, able to deliver on a wide range of marketing strategies and services. His business development skills have seen PCI grow more than 60% in the past four years, with advances in the commercial, not-for-profit, and government sectors, and inroads in the healthcare, transportation, financial services, homeland security, and association verticals. Bob is a prolific author of articles and content on such topics as the ROI of communications, thought leadership in medical group marketing, and the power of small words in marketing. His background as a musician and composer still guides his creative thinking, and he has been known to contribute songs and scores to PCI-produced events and advertising.
What’s one website or book you think more people should know about?
The Secret Life of Pronouns, by James W. Pennebaker
What is one Twitter account that we should all follow?
What’s an emerging trend we should keep our eye on?
PESO integration
What’s one prediction you have for our industry that will come true in 5 years?
Universal subdermal chips replace passwords and credit cards